Capacity Building of Companies’ Medical Advisors on Risky Behaviors Change
Event Date: 12/15/2009
- 12/17/2009
Event Location: Moscow, Russia
On December 15-17, Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GBC) held its HEALTH@WORK Program Module for Occupational Health Specialists on Risky behaviors Change to Prevent harmful consequences of alcohol and drug abuse, including HIV infection. The training lasted three days and gathered occupational health specialists and medical advisors from different companies in Moscow and from the regions of the Russian Federation.
The Module for Occupational Health Specialists is based on the recommendations from World Health Organization and NIAAA on screening and brief intervention. The goal of this interactive training is to teach occupational health specialists brief intervention techniques to decrease alcohol abuse and other risky behaviors among company employees. Approaches are based on the Behavior Change Process Model. More responsible behavior around alcohol consumption decreases risks of acquiring HIV, STDs, TB and other infectious diseases.
As a result of participation in this training, occupational health specialists acquired brief intervention skills: screening determining risks related to alcohol consumption and other behaviors, define the stage in the behavior change process, and perform brief intervention to improve employee’s responsible attitude towards his health, or refer to treatment, rehabilitation and self-help groups.
Feedback from the Module participants was very positive. In the post-training questionnaires they noted that they have acquired necessary skills for brief intervention and that they were satisfied with the quality of training. They were also very enthusiastic about new knowledge and further possibilities of using new skills. Further dissemination and training of other companies’ Health Departments and medical services providers’ staff were discussed.
The HEALTH@WORK Employee Education Program —Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GBC) initiative — helps companies raise awareness among employees, safeguard their health, decrease stigma and discrimination and reduce the economic losses caused by HIV/AIDS, alcohol and drug abuse, and other preventable diseases. The program, which builds on internationally accepted workplace standards for health education, non-discrimination and prevention, includes specialized seminars for Specialists, medical staff and human resource managers. GBC experts also provide professional consulting services to help company executives develop corporate policies and health education strategies that reflect the company’s unique corporate values and maximize the use of program resources.
This event is conducted by Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
(GBC) with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)